Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The new face book game.

15 random facts about me: 
1: I'm an autodidact.
2: I've been happily married to my beat friend over 5 years but still count the three before that as much of the accomplishment. 
3: I have 4 out of 5 forms of dyslexia and have DNA correlated to  dyslexia.
4: I could not read till I was 12, and still find walls in my brain that only time will brake no matter my effort or dedication it just slips away(witch is maddening, till I remember all the other gifts it affords me). 
5: I'm simply bad at many things IE shaving and seeing clear things like plastic.
6: I'm simply good at some things IE seeing something crafty then doing it.
8: My love sing is time spent.
9: Any day I would prefer to talk on the phone over texting( to many things are unsaid in texts).
10: I adopt everything/one if I can feed you or you need on ear I'm here for you.
11: I get hurt a lot by letting so many so close but it's who I am to love.
12: boundaries are my new thing, I will offer much but within what my health allows, I have no space in my life for selfishness or negatively (Bry calls me lawful good).    
13: I stay busy, I have a blog, I have a body image health page, and I have a Vlog. 
14: I am happy, I have learned hard work is good work and apply myself daily to the good work of being positive.
15: I am endlessly proud of my friends, as they grow and change I see some of the parts they have had to hid to survive come out and make them amazing people, many of my closest friend are people I rarely get to see but no matter the distance they still light up my life <3
If you like this I'll give you a number feel free to try it or not but I'd love to know more about you 

Thursday, November 7, 2013


A year and a half of my husband on his CPAP we have learned a lot: he starts getting crabby it gets worse, I ask how he's sleeping, he tells me his mask is giving him troubles at night, I order new caissons for his mask one for now one for latter, we find out that one last about 3 months if you clean them right. I learn what to look for, he learns its okay to tell me he's having trouble or needs something. Okay we are getting much better at this...  Friday night the CPAP Stops working!!!!! It's the weekend and all health care places are closed! Okay well I can order one online and get it rushed here overnight? We try, Saturday we here nothing, Sunday we here nothing, Monday and Bry is a zombie, thoughts are unclear, simple things are to complicated, frustration and anger are all that come easy to him. He has gotten an email saying he has to have a prescription  before they will send his CPAP we think no big deal will call his doc get it faxed over and only one more night without it. No his pulmanolagest refuses to send the RX she has not seen him in a year and he's out of state now.... no advice, no help, no general health concern, she just flat out will not sing it! 20 phone calls and going to a healthcare supply  store and no one can help us with our the RX. I call the pumanagests office again the receptionist is rude really rude, but can not answer my question of " can you tell me it would do more harm for him to have it than him going with out" so she transfers me to a nurse(an angle of kindness for all I know) she here's me out  but can't find a way to help but offers to take it directly to the sleep doc when he gets in in the morning  . The next day we find a doc that can take him  here, eventually, and put him on the cancellation list. By this point I'm not letting Bry drive he fights anger all day and works crazy hard to tell me how much he appreciates all I'm doing, all I can do is laugh when he try's to complement me and it comes out as "you'll be a crazy old coot when your old"  he loves me and is saying I love you thank you,  it just come out as crazy old coot. That afternoon the new doc office calls they "have a 7:55 am opening tomorrow do we want it?" YES!!! If its on the moon we will be there! 5:00pm that night the old doc office calls the pulmanolagest singed the RX no explanation Nothing! We still keep the 7:55 appointment. they are all wonderful at the new doc's office but don't have a CPAP he can use they send us home with the hope that the one in the mail will be here soon(still not here). then we get a call back at noon they found a loner can we come by at 1? YES! So 1pm we head back and Bry gets a loner Cpap!!! A week later and Bry is still catching back up on sleep. Life is much better, Bry can be happy about things and think straght, we still do not have his new Cpap or his old one but as long as he has one I don't care! This is what it's Really like living with sleep apnea, completely treatable hassle on a daly basses,  that makes things like travail or camping very difficult but you Never want to go with out!!!