Friday, November 11, 2016

If you are scared, angry, confused. Here I made you this.

This election was fought and won by fear. Now fear is spreading across the nation spreading distrust and destruction. The way to conquer fear is by confronting it head on with honesty! So lets be honest, we could have and should have done more, so now is the time to stand up and do more! We still live in the greatest country on earth and with that comes freedom of speech, the right to peaceful protest, and the ability to take part in politics at every level. We only have two years till midterm elections, that may seem like a long time but in the face of change that is a blink of an eye. So here are some of the things(big and small) we need to work on starting now. We need champions, heroes don't have to be perfect they just have to stand up for others in times of need! Those in need or have been threatened by this new administration include but aren't limited to People of color, Disabled, Women, Immigrants, LBGT, Education... our planet.

In no particular order lets dig in to what you really can do! Most important remember you have strength, in mind, body and spirit. Even if you only have a little to give of any those categories, there are many of us and it all adds up! This vote was 47% vs 48% there are "slightly" more who voted for rights. We are a big community and you are not alone. Make sure to speak out, not just for change but also to let all who afraid know that they are not alone. That this is not okay and we are all going to do our best in this uncertain time! Realize that the people that voted for trump were scared too. We may not agree with their vote, and fight against many of the things that vote represents, but closing doors is how we got here (link here to family gathering survival guide). Bridge the gap focus on the things we agree on, better jobs/wages an economy for all not just the rich, Elisabeth Waron put it best Here.

Image from

Most important is make a plan, have a strategy so you keep being involved, life gets crazy and it's hard to keep up, but this is worth your time. So many people are counting on you to be on the right side of history(If you voted for trump are reading this and would like to bridge the gap click here). Most all organizations have things you can sign up for to keep you engaged. If nothing else follow these organizations on social media so you can keep up with what is changing and what is being stopped. Don't underestimate Social Media more people are getting their news from Facebook then any other source. If you are seeing good reporting on important topics Like and Share! Get in touch with your Representative or Senator when things are going too far. Our elected officials are civil servants, we need to remind them they work for us! Don't forget this works we have already had some success! If you'd like to understand the issues a bit better I'll get links in the titles, one of the most powerful things a person can do is be informed. Now to some potential strategy for change, below that are some of the issues and great organizations already working hard on them.

Strategy One: Identify your strength. If you have time or can make time pick an organization and volunteer, organize or run. If you have funds donate. If all you have is passion, advocate. Read everything you can on the topics be well versed have concise clear rebuttals against bigotry! Be a cheerleader/ supporter make a group that keeps each other accountable, never underestimate how important an encouraging word is, one text a week can mean the difference between giving up and fighting on.

Strategy Two: is the most creative I've seen. Calculate what your taxes would have been under Clintons Tax plan and donate the difference to the organizations that are already working hard to protect the things you care about the most. IE donate, use that donation as a tax right off and trump trump! It really is quite easy to do, this link will give you all the Tax Details

Strategy Three: Get Loud and make it count! Politics can bring out the worst in people this comes out in social media, so in an Ice bucket challenge way, lets challenge ourselves and others to donate a dollar for every political post we make. If we believe in what we are saying lets back it. we vote with every dollar we spend, lets tie that together!

Strategy Four: Justice Jar(like a swear jar but makes a difference) Every time you want to yell at the TV, Radio, Computer, yell! Yell with your wallet, use your anger as a trigger to make the world better. Don't just be frustrated take action! Think of this one as the swear jar for social justices! *this one would bankrupt my house but maybe it will work for you.

Human Rights! A lot of people feel unwelcome cast out or threatened. A small way to counter act that is start wearing a safety pin! I'd like to make this a anti hate symbol across the board, so no matter what you choose to champion please make a habit of this.

The easiest thing you can do with the biggest impact toward counteracting the hate promises of this campaign, is to donate or get involved with the ACLU "For nearly 100 years, the ACLU has been our nation’s guardian of liberty, working in courts, legislatures, and communities to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties that the Constitution and the laws of the United States guarantee everyone in this country." ACLU Facebook

If you want to focus to individual organizations/causes follow the links below.

Women's rights! Planned Parenthood They need your help! funds are always appreciated and we know this administration has them straight in the cross hairs! The great thing about Planned Parenthood is that this is nothing new to them, they are set up to fight with anything you have to help: time, money, campaigning, they are pros but are going to be hurting. propose total abortion ban in Indiana Planned Parenthood on Facebook

Feel like doing more check out 10 ACTIONS / 100 DAYS From the organizers of the Womens March "We did it! On January 21, we came together by the millions, across the globe, to march, speak and make our voices heard. But it doesn’t end here—now is not the time to hang up our marching shoes—it’s time to get our friends, family and community together and make history. That’s why we’re launching a new campaign: 10 Actions for the first 100 Days. Every 10 days we will take action on an issue we all care about, starting today."

LBGT Rights! With Mike Pence being pro conversion therapy and many other hostilities to the LGBT community, this is a scary time for many newly weds, and y'know the whole community! HRC "The Human Rights Campaign represents a force of more than 1.5 million members and supporters nationwide. As the largest national lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer civil rights organization, HRC envisions a world where LGBTQ people are ensured of their basic equal rights, and can be open, honest and safe at home, at work and in the community." HRC Facebook

Immigration Rights! Family's deserve better, humans deserve better then this. Now with the new administration referencing Japanese internment camps for making their police: “We’ve done it based on race, we’ve done it based on religion, we’ve done it based on region,” Mr. Higbie said. “We’ve done it with Iran back — back a while ago. We did it during World War II with Japanese.” We know that must stand up against segregation no matter the supposed justification. Immigrant Defense Project "We aim to abolish a racially biased criminal legal system that violates basic human rights and an immigration system that every year tears hundreds of thousands of immigrants with convictions from their homes, their families, and their communities." Immigrant Defense Project Facebook and the The International Refugee Assistance Project (IRAP) "The International Refugee Assistance Project (IRAP) organizes law students and lawyers to develop and enforce a set of legal and human rights for refugees and displaced persons. Mobilizing direct legal aid and systemic policy advocacy, IRAP serves the world’s most persecuted individuals and empowers the next generation of human rights leaders."

Disability Rights! losing healthcare because of previous known conditions will cause suffering, and could end lives. DREDF "To advance the civil and human rights of people with disabilities through legal advocacy, training, education, and public policy and legislative development." DREDF Facebook

Chalenge hate! The best way to do this is to be well informed. Listen to the people that are living these injustices Blacklivesmatter is a great resource for the injustices that people of color are facing. Reach outside your comfort zone to make friends and learn safe ways to stop harassment. This Cartoon by Maeril is a great start.

Election 2018! You here, now, looking for options means you are smart, passionate and maybe it's time to think of running for office. If thats not your thing okay, there is more you can do. Midterm elections have low turn out so getting people registered to vote and committed to go to the polls is crucial. Also look in to supporting the ladies that are running. These great sites will help with Both running and supporting future female leaders!

She Should Run and their Facebook.

Women of color looking for even more resources for political success check out Our100 they are set up to show you that you can do it! Sorry I couldn't find their Facebook.

Emily's list and their Facebook


Science, National parks and our Planet ! The EPA will need your voice as well. Two great options here Earth Justice "With your tax-deductible gift, Earthjustice will fight in court and on Capitol Hill to: • Preserve magnificent places and wildlife. • Protect people's health. • Advance clean energy. • Combat climate change." and Sierra Club "Throughout its century-plus history, the Sierra Club has been at the forefront of the movement to protect America's wild places, and the beauty, escape, clean water, wildlife habitat, and recreational opportunities they provide. The Our Wild America campaign will work to create a national network of connected wild lands and marine areas to preserve America's natural, cultural, and recreational heritage."

Education! Our system is very outdate, the changes that are being made are not based facts and is a shame to our country we do need change. however the new secretary of education is has almost no experience in public school system, even sending her own kids to privet schools. School vouters are a complicated topic but what we do know is that when they are use they aren't giving children in need much of any good options. Also we need to take a look at what Pences has said about evolution. Now all of that being said I personally feel its important to note "Highly educated more likely than less educated to hold liberal views" it will not benefit this political administration to help children to achieve their best.

Still want to do more? here are more lists, an overwhelming amount of places ready to help! That alone should give hope. racked, jezebel.

Need more motivation, check these out: Some positive, some silly, some horrifying. Just like our next 4 years...

Hillary's Speech


The Pendulum Swings Both Ways

Please no!

Leslie Knope

Day 1

So many videos and important sites are coming in daily I've decided not to post them all as individual links but to make Youtube playlist of all the videos

and a Pinterest of all the amazing links, info-graphs, clear arguments etc. . I'll still add the most poignant ones on here as the come in but I want this page to be as clean as possible.

Oh and if this post helped you please share it, there are a lot of people looking for direction in this time of unrest. Also check back from time to time I'll be updating this post with more inspiration and calls to action as they come in.