Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Apnea, Sleep Study and CPAP

So with sleep disorders on the rise more and more people are getting sleep study's and ending up with darthvader masks at night IE welcome to the future. brief  theoretical explanation: our food is softer so over generations our jaws get smaller so too our air ways narrow and TaDa not breathing at night, add weight gain (more mass = more prasher on the air way) lack of exercise (weaker lungs don't help) and we have an epidemic. ". . It is estimated that 22 million Americans suffer from sleep apnea, with 80 percent of the cases of moderate and severe obstructive sleep apnea undiagnosed."

Now try to explain that to a 24 year old male who has not sleep well in about a year and all but gave up sleeping in the last two months. That was my life last year my husband slowly transformed into a constantly angry confused guy that was failing his classes, nothing made sense and simple things were to much, witch always ended up in an argument. Stubborn anger were how he existed for about 3 months. 
Then I got totally burnt out, I was mad he was not sleeping, I was angry he had not set up a doctors appointment, I was angry he could not  change doctors(his primary was less than helpful in the past and Bry did not want to go back to him) I was devastated that my caring intelligent husband was being robed of living! This is where I stopped  listening to his "ill do it"and the "ill take care of it" this is when I realized he actually could not make phone calls think straight or  take care of him self, heartbreaking yes but not the end of the world! I stated making phone calls, he was mad at first (that I did not think he could do it), then he was surprised that things started to happen. I found him a doctor got him an appointment and before to long this bright young doctor had him referred to a pulmanolagest and a sleep lab, a month later I'm walking Bry through what he is going to see and what is going to happen  during a sleep study( I used to work at a hospital and interned for a short time at a sleep lab and have many family members with sleep apnea) he was intimidated by wires being attached to his head and body, I asherd him they the wires are one way and can only register his current !Not send current! and that if you ask they can show you your brain waves after the test. The night of this study they let me stay with him as he got hooked up, by the time he was hooked up he and his nurse were chatting, he was antsy but very entertained about how cool it all was now that he could see it all! That night I went home all hopes of my husband and marriage riding on that little room in the basement of a five story hospital. 
5am I get up dive to the hospital and pick up My husband! My Bryan! My Happy silly sweet kind happy yes happy Bryan! He explains that he was bad enough that half way through the night the nurse put a CPAP on him and he slept the best sleep he could remember he was so hyper for the first couple  of hours  then went back to sluggish and annoyed, by that night he was back to not wanting to sleep, But this time it was " I don't even want to sleep with out it"  so I stepped in again and started making phone calls, you see when medical professionals  know you actually want their treatment, are thankful and want to take care of yourself they tend to push things through  a bit faster so in 2 week Bry had his very own  Cpap and I got the love of my life back! that was 2012 
-more in part 2-

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