Thursday, April 18, 2013


So you may know by now I'm not a size 8, actually I'm a size 18, that being said I love to exercise, some of my favorites are long walks sometimes in the form of 5k's, new workout equipment today was a fun one: straps hold your feet off the ground, you do a push-up then pull your knees in for a ?floating? crunch, also I really enjoy rock climbing and dance. So how do you go to the gym, dance club or park knowing that your umm not what people expect and in some cases not what they want to see... well my answer is Fattitude keep in mind this is not making fun of your self to hide the pain (spoiler, that one doesn't work out so well) this is something completely different. How it works is being proud of what you have IE fat, yes fat, if you have it your caring it around, and that means you can in your day to day life carry weights that would kill a smaller person. Say you get tired at the gym well stop for a minute and realize you at 230 have done twice the work of someone at 115, so yah they can run a little further, but could they while carrying twice there weight? uh NO! What this really means is you are strong, your body in an odd way has been doing some weight training and that gives you some edge. So try playing to your strengths walk till your body says okay next, then always being nice to yourself try some weights, start small, see what your body likes, you may be surprised what you are capable of in a short time, a-n-d if your thing is weight loss one of the best plans is to grow muscle mass, muscle keeps burning energy even when you're not doing too much (you lose muscle mass if you don't use it though) Keep in mind you Have to feed yourself. The best way to gain weight is to not eat, I was 118lb. when I started a crash diet and then many more calorie killers led to where I am... well were I was. Now that I eat when I'm hungry and exercise/play/clean/work basically be active for some part of the day I have lost 10lb. and kept it off, but that was not my goal, now heres the trick !I STOPED CARING! I started accepting me, my curves and my fat, my beautiful fat that gives me a booty like Kim K, and a belly that took the fall for me, the other day when I was running my foot caught and down I went, but silly as it sounds my tummy hit first and Voila no broken bones not even a bruise, I jumped back up and kept going just like that, a bit of a sore stomach but I was totally beautifully saved by the one part of me I have been hating on most.. for a bit I felt so guilty for all that time I had spent hating a part of my body that would so easily save me. For the first time I felt love from and for my stomach... kind of crazy, but now when I run and it jumps for joy a long with me, I smile. So that is my Fattitude, my body loves me (no matter what I have put it through) and I am learning to love it back. So in playing to my strengths I tried: Why not leg lifts at 100lb. 10 reps... okay how about 180lb.? okay done how about 200lb. done 240, 280, 300!! Yep then 340 and why not lets try it 400lb. yep thats right 400lb. So today I leg pressed 40 reps at 100lb. AND 20 at 400lb. and then when I was done I walked out of that gym like I owned it, because if any one said anything to me I knew I was stronger and happier than them. So yah I love my life!

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