Now we all know I'm a big nerd so when part of my nerd out network on facebook posted the Girl Genius kickstarter I checked it out with a whatever frame of mind, but I kept thinking about it and about a day later I pulled it up again and this time I checked out their website. I'm all about supporting strong female characters but I wanted a taste of what the comic was about, you know some kind of introduction or preview. To my surprise and absolute pleasure the whole comic from beginning to their latest page is up! free to read! and easy to access.
So now I'm catching up with Agatha Clay(Girl Genius) and the whole Crew, from a confused romantic prince to a whole circus of truly dependable friends, and even a castle to make any Mad Scientist drop jaw in envy! Now I think this might be considered steam punk or some such, but to me the writing and comedy makes it so engaging that its easy to accept a talking cat... and may I say if you have ever known a cat they all think they are your emperor. Also I can not go on about this series without mentioning the Jagerkin these lovable side kicks had me from the start, their three stooge like, girl crazy antics mixed with diehard loyalty and a love of the dirty side of war somehow warms the heart?...
As you can tell Girl Genius is one fun adventure and I Love being along for the ride! Oh and as for their kickstarter it's to get book 12 published, the writer and animator work privately to keep their artistic freedom, which is something I think most of us can admire. OH and there are only 10 days left so if you check out the comic and find a safe silly place to escape to in the middle of your crazy life check out the kickstarter too.
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